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Get the perfect Valentine’s gift for your significant other via TXT-BOOK

September 12, 2023
Blog|Peecho publishers

A book with all the texts you and your boy or girlfriend sent each other from the day you two met. Can you imagine a more romantic Valentine's gift? When founders Tyler and Scott just started dating, Scott created such a book for Tyler. The gift was so well received that they decided to develop an app that makes creating the book very easy. And you can get a print via Peecho! In this interview, Scott tells us all about the app and the connection with Peecho’s print API.

  1. Can you tell us something about yourself?

‘’My name is Scott Kochlefl, I'm 37, and I live and work in New York City. I'm an industrial designer who spent most of my career designing hotels, restaurants and nightclubs, but who has found a new interest in digital products. I'm married to my business partner; G. Tyler Barnet, we founded TXT-BOOK together. We are always thinking and planning and executing new ideas!’’

  1. Can you explain what TXT-BOOK is?

‘’TXT-BOOK is a service that allows users to create PDFs and bound books of their favorite text messages. Most customers give these bound books as keepsake gifts to their loved one as a modern day love letter... while others want to memorialize the text exchanges between themselves and someone who has passed away... while others just don't want to see their daily text exchanges... disappear…’’

  1. When and why was TXT-BOOK founded?

‘’TXT-BOOK was founded in 2012 by me and my husband. When we first began dating, he created a handmade booklet of our first few months of texts that we shared together. The process was difficult and time consuming, but the idea was so great and the gift was so well received that we decided to make the process easier and available for others. We formed txt-book.com and currently have an Android App and an iPhone Service online so anyone can export their text messages into books!’’

Txt-book valentine's gift

  1. How did you find out about Peecho?

‘’We found Peecho after we decided that we could not possibly bind the books ourselves. After a Google search, we found that Peecho existed and also shipped all over the world from different print facilities. Perfect match…’’

  1. Why is Peecho’s print API the solution for you?

‘’It was easy: easy to set up and it has an easy guest experience. We also appreciated that it is a start up company and that the people in charge were easy to reach.’’

  1. How did you integrate TXT-BOOK with our API?

‘’We use the API as a link from www.txt-book.com.’’

  1. How do you reach your target group?

‘’We self-advertise, promote on social media sites and use Grapeseed Media, LLC in New York to help with our digital ads and ad retargeting. We have also been mentioned in several publications and have been featured on CNBC's Power Pitch as seen HERE.’’

  1. How do you promote the option to order a print?

‘’All customers receive a link to print and bind their book via email with their order. We typically also offer coupon codes to discount the price of printing TXT-BOOKS.’’

To make an awesome Valentine’s gift like this, visit www.txt-book.com. Did you also create an app that you would like to connect to Peecho’s print API? Check our API documentation or get in touch with Kenneth (kenneth@peecho.com).