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How to reduce your global cost of printing

October 11, 2023
Enterprise print

The idea that ordering printed materials for several locations all over the world is daunting and expensive has become a thing of the past. With localized Print-on-Demand services, it’s only a few clicks away. And it helps your company save money AND the environment in the same bargain. Here is how you can reduce your marketing operation’s cost of printing.

Weighing the costs and benefits of printing

On average, the actual printing itself accounts for only 15% of the costs, while admin, shipping and warehousing take up most of the costs. Printing can cause a lot of headaches. Files must be designed and, when approved, made print-ready. Then there are customization costs, and you must select paper types and finishes. And in order for printers to earn a decent profit from your assignment, they force you to order a minimum amount of copies, most of which you’ll never use. If we tally up all the different costs of printing, it seems the hassle outweighs its benefits. 

Print-on-demand makes overprinting redundant

The call for a sustainable approach to printing is heard far and wide within the world of print. One major issue, for instance, is overprinting. Traditional printing is bound to minimum batch numbers, to help printers cover the base costs of preparing your order. Even if your marketing strategy involves a fraction of the minimum required copies.

This leads to heaps of left-over flyers, magazines, books and whatnot that never get used and clutter up your much-needed office space. And eventually, they are discarded unused.

What a waste!

You want to order just the right amount, and send freshly printed copies, whenever you click the order button. And have it delivered quickly to your intended destination, from a printing service nearby. As well as keeping printing costs down, this also helps your company cut back on carbon emissions and paper waste.

Here’s a solution: simply order your product through our integrated portal, and we’ll only print and ship the number of copies you order. This’ll help you keep printing and shipping costs down. And an added bonus: you eliminate warehousing costs. 

Print-on-Demand is here to stay.

Cut costs through clever shipping

Speaking of shipping costs; if you want something delivered abroad, traditional printing will involve high costs as well as unnecessary carbon emissions through long shipping routes. Not to mention the fuss and loss of time over tariffs, handovers, possible damages from careless cargo handlers, and delays through local border issues.

Local printing = Local lead times

With Peecho's intuitive integration, you can select where you want your print delivered. We’ll find the nearest local printer to your product’s final destination. This drastically reduces your lead time and shipping distance. We help you cut costs while minding the planet and ensuring a quick delivery.

Smooth sailing with professional printing operations

Leading a printing operation can be pretty demanding. There is just so much to pay attention to: Choosing paper types and sizes, ink properties, number of copies, how many boxes, how to properly and efficiently stack them on a pallet, how to load that pallet in a van and let it drive the most effective route…

Save time and energy by centralizing your print operations

Someone needs to have oversight. Or you will spend a lot of time and effort on streamlining your processes, fixing mistakes, and leading your team to do things right. Instead of spending time on internal communication and managing printers, integrate Peecho with your DAM system to drastically reduce admin time.
With Peecho integrated into your DAM, your teams worldwide can access approved print templates, that are automatically on-brand. At the same time, your local offices have the freedom to edit files to suit local needs, within your preset brand parameters.

Reduce printing costs by standardizing your print demands

With print-on-demand services as an integral part of your marketing workflow, you also keep full overview of costs and processes, controlling who may print what, and what they may and may not edit. This makes for quicker printing, more centralized, on-brand output and less waste. All your team has to do is fill out the details. Our printing partners will handle it professionally, quickly, and cost-effectively. Worldwide.

No hassle, no stress, no waste!