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Case studies

Kevin Unger: A Journey from Photojournalism to Street Photography with Peecho

May 11, 2023

Kevin Unger made his first shots when he was just eight years old. It blossomed into a life-long passion for pictures and photography. As a successful photojournalist, he spent years covering wars and conflicts around the world. Although Kevin eventually stepped back from the high-adrenaline world of photojournalism 17 years ago, his love for photography never diminished. He now publishes beautiful Street Photography books around the world, using Peecho technology.

Lessons in Patience

In his 20-year career as a photojournalist reporting from the front lines of war zones and the epicenters of natural disasters, Kevin has seen a lot. His switch to street photography five years ago, however, brought new challenges. And rewards. While the two genres are different, Kevin believes that street photography is an offshoot of photojournalism; both involve capturing candid moments with people in the frame. One crucial lesson that Kevin carried over from his photojournalism days is the importance of patience.

"Many photographers would rather just click and get out. Even in street photography, I've been known to just stay in one place for hours just to get the right picture.”

It’s a far cry from the adrenaline-infused working frenzies he experienced in conflict zones. During his time as a photojournalist, it would fuel him throughout the day.

“I’d often even forget to eat.”

Discovering a New Passion

A friend of Kevin's encouraged him to try street photography. Initially skeptical, Kevin soon embraced the challenge. “I realized that my journalistic background would give me an edge.” He took his camera to the streets, and since then, he hasn't looked back.

A Day on the Streets of

Kevin took inspiration from Rick Smolan, a photographer known for his large coffee table books titled "A Day in the Life of." Smolan asked a hundred photographers to capture a day in various places around the world. Kevin loved this idea and decided to adapt it for street photography.

In May 2019, Kevin and a friend launched "A Day on the Streets of Jerusalem." It led to a permanent exhibition in the city. He had 14 photographers document the streets of Jerusalem for 24 hours. Istanbul was next, but the COVID-19 pandemic thwarted his plans. In March 2022, he instead initiated "A Day on the Streets of Tel Aviv," with 20 photographers.

March 15th of 2023 marked  "A Day on the Streets of Kolkata" event. Over 40 photographers, both local and international, captured the city's vibrant colors and culture. Among them were 13 high school photography students. They added a unique perspective to the mix. The resulting images showcased the rich and diverse essence of Kolkata.

"We had 25 locals in Kolkata, and then the rest of us, we all flew in from all over the world. We had photographers in from Belgium, England, France, Sweden, and the United States."

Building a Community

To share his renewed love for photography, Kevin started a Facebook group and Instagram page called Street Photography Passion. With over 1,200 members on Facebook and 3,000 followers on Instagram, Kevin is selective about who can join. “Quality always trumps quantity. I weekly accept around five or six new members from about 50 to 60 requests to join the group.”

This high standard ensures that the community is a place where photographers can learn, grow, and share their best work with like-minded individuals.

Member-Driven Recognition

What sets Kevin's group apart from other online street photography communities is its member-driven recognition. In other groups, administrators choose photos of the day, week, or month. Street Photography Passion takes a different route. Here, administrators choose the photo of the day, but the members vote for the photo of the week and month, fostering a sense of community and fair competition.

Sharing Success

At the end of each year, Kevin compiles all the top-voted photos into a book. He then sends the collection to Peecho, who turn it into a high-quality photo book. This allows group members to showcase and promote their work to a wider audience, all while supporting their passion for street photography.

Selling with Peecho: A Game Changer

The decision to partner with Peecho has had a significant impact on Kevin's business. The high-quality products have been crucial in maintaining his reputation as a professional photographer. "I just thought the quality was unbelievable. The paper itself is beautiful. And the colors, you just couldn't beat the colors."

Profitability and Exceptional Customer Service

Kevin finds selling worldwide with Peecho simple and straightforward. He’s not just happy with Peecho’s product quality, but their outstanding customer service. In fact, he considers it the best he has ever encountered.

"We're selling in North America, Europe, and there were even one or two orders from South Africa and Australia. It's not just limited to the Israeli market at all."

He praises the ease of communication with Peecho’s customer service department and their overall quick response. It has boosted his confidence in Peecho as a business partner.

"It has made Peecho an invaluable asset to my photography business.The customer service is exceptional. I know that if I have a problem, I can just send an email out and I know it's gonna get taken care of ASAP."


For promoting his books, Kevin relies heavily on social media. He shares Peecho’s convenient checkout link for each book on his Facebook page, where anyone interested may purchase it. Word gets around too, and Kevin has even received book requests from photographers outside of his group.

Are you a photographer or any other type of creator, and interested in monetizing your work through beautiful and easily sharable photo books? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.